On Saturday 2 October, Pomůžu jak můžu is starting a charitable collection at a second-hand shop in Centrum PANT

1. 10. 2021

After registering our organization in Yemen and a few other administrative steps, we were able to ask for permission to start a charitable collection. Today we sealed our two money boxes in the Ostrava Municipality and tomorrow we will use them for the first time in the second-hand store, which was started by Mámy pro Jemen for Pomůžu jak můžu in Centrum PANT. Come choose your own unique piece of clothing, jewellery or just taste Yemeni specialties, and then “try out” our new money boxes.


© 2018 | Pomůžu jak můžu, z.s.

IČ: 075 95 930 | č.ú. (CZK): 2701537846/2010 | č.ú. (€): 2301537847/2010

www.pomuzujakmuzu.cz | info@pomuzujakmuzu.cz